文章浏览阅读486次。ruby 构造函数 Ruby中的构造函数 (Constructors in Ruby)Constructors are one of the most important parts of Object-Oriented programming. A constructor of a class is a unique method which is invoked or called when..._ruby有构造函数吗...
文章浏览阅读1.1k次。enum枚举构造函数Example: enum Constructorenum Size { // enum constants calling the enum constructors SMALL("The size is small."), MEDIUM("The size is medium."), LARGE("The size is large."), EXTRALARGE("The size is extra ......
文章浏览阅读296次。object 主构造器 { class Person(var name: String = "周润发", var age: Int = 30) { println("调用主构造器了!") } def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val p1 = new Person println(s"p1:${p1.name}, ${p1.age}") val p......