荷兰驻华使馆 Wat kunnen de Nederlandse vertegenwoordigingen in China allemaal voor u betekenen? Ambassade in Peking Adres Liangmahe South Road #4 Chaoyang, Peking People... china.nlambassade.org...
芬兰驻华大使馆 SUOMEN SUURL HETYST , Peking SUOMEN P KONSULAATTI, Shanghai Suomen suurl hetyst , Peking Puh. +86-10-8519 8300, sanomat.pek@formin.fi Suomen p ... www.finland.cn...
希腊驻华大使馆 Embassy of Greece - Beijing... Home The Embassy News Bilateral Relations Business About Greece Consular Services Culture 中文 Home Flash News September 13, 20... www.grpressbeijing.com...
苏丹驻华大使馆 China ist ein Land mit einer interessanten Geschichte. Alle Informationen zu Politik, Kultur, Wirtschaft und anderen Themen bekommen Sie in diesem Blog. www.sudanembassychina.com...
丹麦驻华大使馆 The Royal Danish Embassy, Beijing and the Royal Danish Consulate General, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chongqing are pleased to announce the opening of the ... www.denmarkvac.cn...
新西兰驻华使馆 NZEmbassy.com is the official address for New Zealand Embassies, High Commissions and representative offices.I\'m looking for New Zealand representation in: ... www.nzembassy.com...
瑞典驻华使馆官网 11/10/2013 - 26/10/2013Embassy of Sweden Canada Special treat for ballet lovers in Montreal Les Grands Ballets Canadiens opens its fall season with ... www.swedenabroad.com...
牙买加驻华使馆 Embassy of Jamaica,Beijing Jamaica is the third largest island in the Caribbean Sea. It is located 898 kilometres southeast of Miami, 144.8 kilometres south of Cuba and 160.9... www.jamaicagov.cn...
尼日利亚驻华大使馆 Embassy of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, China FlagsHome About Us Consular Immigration Publicity Commercial Education Downloads | General Information ... www.nigeriaembassy.cn...