
橄榄油展|橄榄油比赛|olive oil exhibition competition|Oil China 中国国际橄榄油展览会|食用油展览会官方网站-Oil China中国国际食用油及橄榄油展览会 - olive oil, edible oil exhibition competition

  • 链接地址:http://www.eoliveoil.com
  • 链接标题:橄榄油展|橄榄油比赛|olive oil exhibition competition|Oil China 中国国际橄榄油展览会|食用油展览会官方网站-Oil China中国国际食用油及橄榄油展览会 - olive oil, edible oil exhibition competition
  • 所属网站:www.eoliveoil.com
  • 被收藏次数:8942
中国国际食用油及橄榄油展览会是中国规模最大、最具影响力的专业食用油展览会。Oil China自2005年成功举办以来,发展成全球知名的专业展览会,得到了政府部门、各国使馆、协会的大力支持,是橄榄油、食用油企业寻求经销代理、投资合作、采购团购最快捷和有效的渠道。Oil China-China international Olive Oil & Edible Oil exhibition is the only and professional exhibition in China, Oil China is supported by Chinese Governments, embassies, associations and offers the business site for olive oil, edible oil companies and exporters to meet with Chinese importers, agents and to expand olive oil and edible oil in Chinese market.

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