
招聘兼职计算机网络 学校练习 英文|计算机网络 学校练习 英文外包-猿急送

  • 链接地址:https://www.yuanjisong.com/job/151743
  • 链接标题:招聘兼职计算机网络 学校练习 英文|计算机网络 学校练习 英文外包-猿急送
  • 所属网站:www.yuanjisong.com
  • 被收藏次数:6462
Part 1: WLAN Network Design and Security For this part of the assignment, you will perform a real-world WLAN site survey. Your task is to produce a map of (part of) a building that gives an overview of the wireless networks that are available, as well as an analysis of the network. What you will